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Writer's pictureRich Howard

The Forestry Science

Tree and Carbon Calculations

Carbon calculations are now a formal part of Assisi Manager, meaning they have their own equations and fields in the Assisi database. The equations include whole tree as well as stem, branch, foliage and bark components. As with many equations in Assisi, these can be entered as user defined equations so that you can enter equations specific to your species and regions.

Stratified Calibrations

Calibrations in Assisi are the entire collection of taper, volume and growth settings for a set of species in a specific region. In general, a unique calibration is made for each unique region. Assisi ships with a variety of sample calibrations for species in the US Northeast and Northwest regions. With this release, Assisi adds forest type to calibration settings so that species within a calibration can have their calculations vary not only by region but by types within regions as well. Type can be any stratification approach that you define. When cruise data are compiled, measured heights can be used to calibrate height models or create regression estimators by both species and forest type. These stratified calibrations can then be used to estimate heights on trees missing measurements and during height growth projection.

Stratification Wizard

The stratification wizard is a tool to create a copy of field data organized by forest type. If you have a set of field data with forest types assigned by plot, the Stratification Wizard will create a copy of the field data with each plot grouped into strata according to its forest type. This stratified field data can then be compiled to create a stratified calibration that has growth and height model adjustment factors, or regression models stored by species and forest type. The wizard makes it easy to explore different stratification results without changing your original cruise data. When you have a stratified calibration you are satisfied with, just assign it to another cruise data set and compile that data with your now locally calibrated growth models.

Historical Growth Simulation

Growing older cruise data forward is an essential part of keeping an ongoing inventory. As a part of the growth process, actions that have been carried out in the field such as thinning must be simulated at their proper time during the growth updates. Assisi now has a convenient method for storing these historical management actions. History records can be actions that Assisi simulates as well as general documentation you wish to store for general record keeping.

Sophisticated Double Sampling

Assisi has supported double sampling the past, but this version adds the ability to combine both big BAF and count plot double samples in the same cruise design. In addition, species can be specifically assigned to either method of double sample.

Grade Optimized Log Length Calculations Assisi organizes its log sorts by product and market. You can create as many markets as you wish with each market being a separate mill, a domestic or export market or even yield outputs that can be used in a harvest scheduling program such as Woodstock. With this release, Assisi adds an option to use the criteria assigned to sorts to optimize log diameters and lengths. Also added are quality codes that can be assigned to sections of trees so that sections of a tree can be flagged as having a maximum grade. Together, these options allow you to call grade by tree section while still estimating the highest value log sorts for a given market or mill.

New Models

We have added a number of new models natively to Assisi. Native models in Assisi are equations where you can define the coefficients to the equations but not the equation forms themselves. Models in Assisi can also be user defined so that both coefficients and equation forms can be entered as you need. Native models are however faster to calculate than parsing user defined equations.

NE TWIGS - Equations from the NE TWIGs family of publications including height, volume, growth and mortality equations.

Flewelling Taper - The popular taper equations published by Jim Flewelling has been added. A separate license from Jim flewelling is necessary.

Wensel & Krumland Taper - The taper functions popular in regions of California have been added.

Tarif Height Estimations - The British Columbia equations for tarif height estimation were added.

Site Index Equations and Conversions - More site index equations along with conversion equations with ordered precedence have been added.

Major Species Age to BH - A major species method has been added along with breast height age conversions based on major species.

Import from FPS

And finally for you FPS users, we've added an import of field data from Forest Projection System databases.

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