Below is a list of the more important Assisi Forest 2024 software updates.
Improvements to the Scheduling Tool
Action icons were made larger and stand age and acres were added. Drag and drop now update stand age. Dates before the inventory date are shown in grey. History actions now show in the scheduler along with scheduled actions.
The best way to see these changes is through a video...
Using the new features in the Scheduling Tool
Total Age Added to Scheduled Actions
Scheduled actions are carried out on specific dates but those dates are often determined by a stand's age. To facilitate easy stand age referencing during scheduling, TotalAge was added to the ScheduledActions table.
Min Tree Quality Added
Tree Quality is now used as an additional log grading criteria. This enables using traditional growing stock codes: Acceptable Growing Stock and Unacceptable Growing Stock as additional criteria for assigning log level grades and sorts.
Min DBH Added to Grading
Grading includes many log level criteria such as log length, diameter, quality, etc. These determine what grades are assigned to log volumes when grades were not called in the field. Min tree DBH has been added as a criteria to grading assignment. Tree DBH can now be used as a criteria for assigning grades, sorts and/or products.
Is Show Log Trim Added
An option to toggle showing log trim in the progress viewer was added. Stump and log trim can be shown when trees are being compiled and the detail level is set to Debug. See the update with screen shot below.
Calculate Snag Volume Added
Snag volume was not calculated int he past. An option to have volume calculated on snags was added. When snag volume is calculate it will only appear on the tree level summaries not on species or DBH class or other rolled up summaries.
NSVB Carbon Added
The National Scale Volume and Biomass models (NSVB) were release late last year and have now been implemented in the National Volume Estimation Library dll (NVEL.dll). Assisi's use of NVEL has been updated to the latest version making NSVB carbon calculation available in Assisi. Assisi now supports all three common carbon estimation methods: Jenkins, CRM and NSVB.
Stump and Trim Now Displayed in Tree "Walk Ups"
There are many scaling settings that effect how a tree is segmented in logs. Add to that the fact that log lengths can be called in the field, fixed length or optimized to markets and you have almost endless possibilities of logs sizing.
In the past Assisi has shown a list of every log created in each tree during compilation. Length, diameter, grade, defect and volume are all listed. What was missing however was the "in between" sections of stump and trim. These are now shown as well making verification each tree is being segmented as desired easier.
Stump and Trim Sections are Shown in Smaller Type.
Rename IsProcessBrokenTops to IsReduceScaleToBroken
Calibrations.IsProcessBrokenTops has evolved over time to being a switch for reducing scaling height to broken height. For clarity and consistency with similar settings, the field name has been changed to IsReduceScaleToBroken.
Documentation Pop Outs
Documentation has always been a big part of Assisi. Stands, plans, prescriptions, models, cruise designs, etc. can all be documented and formatted. This version adds the ability to "pop out" the document window so that you can browse your data and document at the same time.
Species Group Added to Stand Overrides
Species groups groups species together so they can be reported on as sums. Hardwood and Softwood are two common species groups. Species groups are defined within calibrations so that different calibration can use different groupings that align better with the specific models that make up a calibration.
This version adds the ability to override the calibration level species grouping on a per stand basis. It is often the case that stands use the same calibration but will manage different groups of species. For example there maybe a list of "Primary" species that are managed as a majority of BA while a list of "Secondary" species also also managed for. However, the exact list of primary and secondary species may change on a per stand basis.
Height Thinning Market Added to Support Shelterwood Cuts
Rules for thinning can select trees based on DBH or crown ratio. This version adds total height for better support of shelterwood cuts. Shelterwood typically select overstory trees for removal to release shade intolerant trees and encourage seeding.
Crown Ratio Models Added
Assisi has modeled crown as a height to crown base from the beginning. This accommodates modeling crown ratio just fine, but most models use direct crown ratio in their equations. Assisi now has both crown base and crown ratio models.
Stump Models Added
Assisi has modeled stump as part of its taper models. This made sense in that taper is most often where stump diameter is asked for. However, stump models can also be separate models from taper. Assisi now implements stump diameter in a separate model from taper. For Walters & Hann taper users, this means moving the stump coefficients over from taper to stump settings.
Max Diameter Ignored in Log Grading Since Version 2024.4.4
There was an error in log grading where log diameter was being compared to the max log diameter setting using the "less than" comparison. This effectively meant log diameter had to be over the max diameter setting to be used, the opposite of what was desired. All the other grade criteria looks to be operating correctly. This error was introduced in 2024.4.4 and removed in version 2024.2.6.
Star BAR Added
Star BAR is a method of calculating the number sample points along with the measure BAF to use to achieve a certain standard error in a Big BAF sample design. Star BAR values are calculated on existing non double sample cruises so that future cruises of similar stands can be more efficiently cruised using the Big BAF method. This version adds the result of Star BAR to the Inventory Editor. The Star BAR section shows the number of count plots and measure trees that would produce a target PSE given the stand's current variability. The "BAF Mult" value is the ratio of measure BAF to count BAF to use to sample the correct number of measure trees in a Big BAF cruise of the same stand.
Star BAR is also used when laying out a cruise in the Field Data Editor.
FVS Lake States Added
FVS Lake States models have been added to Assisi.
ModelGroup Field Added to Calibration Species
ModelGroup is a text field to group species models within a calibration. Many model systems group species that are similar to increase model performance. For example "Cottonwood & Aspen" or "Soft Hardwoods" or FVS species group codes. Because groupings may differ across different calibrations or region, ModelGroup is most appropriately added to the CalibrationSpecies table rather than the Species table.
Stump Equation Moved out of Taper Equation
The Stump DIB equation has been a part of the Taper equation for a long time. Meaning, you have to set stump equation coefficients when you set taper equation coefficients. Only Walters and Hann and Hann taper equations required formal stump coefficients. Most other simply use DBH and BTR to calculate stump DIB.
With this version Stump is now its own equation with options for Walters & Hann, BTR or mapped just like most other equations.
Jenkins Carbon Equations Updated 2024.1.1 Assisi has implemented the Jenkins (2003) carbon equations but as parsed equations rather than source code. Jenkins is now implemented in source code.
Additional Carbon Fields Added 2024.1.1 Assisi calculates carbon in component parts: above ground tree, stem, branch, bark, foliage and root. Results are stored to both inventory and simulation tables.
SummaryByStand and SummaryByYearTree tables now have all carbon component parts and the current "Carbon" field name was changed to "CarbonTree" for clarity.